Indulge in a Taste of the World with local wineries and Downtown Sunnyvale's diverse cuisine! Each attendee gets a tote with a wine glass, 15 food tasting tickets, and more.
Alcoholic drinks only for 21+ with valid ID.
Ticket Pricing:
Participating Businesses: Leigh's Bookstore, Off the Rails Brew Co., Mayan Kitchen, and more.
Check-in Locations:
Parking: Refer to the map of free downtown Sunnyvale parking lots. Please use Uber/Lyft if drinking.
Don't forget to vote for the Best of the World 2024 for a chance to win a $100 Yiftee gift card!
Sponsored by StarOne Credit Union, City of Sunnyvale, LinkedIn, Google, CityLine Sunnyvale, El Camino Health, Specialty Waste, Murphy Square, Silicon Valley Clean Energy, and the Minkoff Group.
Get your tickets here.